The Pencil Box - Featured Artists - November 2018

The Pencil Box - Featured Artists - November 2018

November 2018 Featured Artists. Corresponding with the art gallery that is featured each month in Ann Kullberg's COLOR MagazineThe Pencil Box blog series will give artists a bit more space to share insight and inspiration about their colored pencil art. Make sure to check out links at the bottom of this post for our Facebook group partners - join in the fun and your artwork could be featured, too!

Caribbean Natural Beauty by Galal Ramadan
23 x 13inches
Prismacolor Premier and Verithin. Black and white Ploychormos. Stonehenge Paper
Photo credit: My composition and stock images

“Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.” (Author unknown)

The Caribbean is a part of the planet is not easily seen by most of us to appreciate its beauty. As an artist nature has been an endless source of inspiration for me knowing for undoubtedly how art and nature can heal. A deep look into nature unlocks our imagination and ignites our creativity.
Through its repeated patterns, nature reminds us of the things that remains constant over time, while also teaching us to be optimistic. I appreciate colors and attention to the minutest details. I paint in photo-realistic style.

About Galal:

Galal Ramadan is a self-employed graphic artist and marketer. He was born and raised in Alexandria, Egypt. He emigrated to the USA in 1985 and now reside in Boca Raton, FL. He is self taught in fine art and found his own niche in the versatility of colored pencils.

See more at:



Mossy by Elinor Jolly
12x 10inches
Prismacolor pencils on suede matboard

This is a colour pencil portrait of a gorgeous Springer Spaniel called Mossy which I was asked to do as a commission to be gifted to Mossy's owner. I did the portrait in July and it is very special to me as it was my first commission of the year after a challenging few months of battling cancer since January. Throughout my treatment I was aiming to do the commissions that were on hold and felt a great sense of achievement after completing Mossy as it was a positive step for me in my recovery and has given me the confidence to go on to do the next commission and carry on with my colour pencil journey.

About Elinor:

Elinor has always loved art from a young age and after a long break she was gradually pushed back into art due a life changing medical condition. She discovered colour pencils just over a year ago and hopes to one day become a full time professional colour pencil artist.

See more at:



Mimi by Christine Dion
9 x 12 inches
Prismacolor and Luminance on Stonehenge that has been run through an Epson printer to create a grey background

My maternal grandmother, lovingly known as "Mimi" had a glowing smile and a fun sense of humor. When she was in hospice I would visit her as frequently as I could, bringing my young children with me. The photo for this portrait was taken 5 months before she passed away. It was one of my favorites, but it took 13 years for me to get around to creating a portrait of her. The time just never seemed right, until now.

I started out working on her portrait as an experiment using Prismacolor and Luminance pencils on Stonehenge paper. I ran the paper through my Epson printer to create a grey background. I worked only with very sharp pencils and the results were stunning. The grey helped to eliminate the stark white of the paper and created a medium tone which allowed me to utilize a wide range of values.

About Christine:

Christine has been creating art for publication and collecting for over 30 years. She has illustrated books for the children's educational market and her work has been featured in several professional art books. Christine also creates colored pencil memorial portraits for the NH Canine Trooper's Association.

See more at:




Magnificent by Neha Subramaniam
12 x 18 inches
Fabriano Artistico Extra White 140lb hot pressed watercolor paper
Photo courtesy Russ Bridges

Magnificent is special because I had started this drawing during the period in which i had to submit my best paintings to CPCAU for the Signature Status. I waited another 10 days to finish this & gave my 200 %. I believe this , along with my Majestic and In the Limelight has won me this Status. Also as the title suggests, I feel zebra is truly a magnificent animal. As soon as I saw this photograph by Russ Bridges, I was instantly drawn towards its beautiful form with interesting lights and shadows. Also I wanted to experiment on this painting by combining both of my favorite mediums-watercolors and colored pencils.So I have given a base of watercolors for this piece to speed up the process and did all the details with colored pencils.

About Neha:

Neha Subramaniam is a self-taught artist from Dubai (UAE) and holds a Signature Status at CPCAU. She was an art teacher for almost 12 years. She loves to do realistic paintings, gets inspired by nature and wants to exhibit her paintings in art galleries all over the world.

See more at:





These artworks were published in the November 2018 issue of COLOR Magazine.


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