Carnival Glass II 16 x 12 Ranjini Venkatachari
 2nd PLACE
Andromeda 28 x 20 Holly Siniscal
 End of Game 12 x 8 Paco Martin Dominguez
 Obsolete Security 26 x 18 Anda Chance
 Reflections Passed 20.5 x 14 David Neace
 Venice Carnival 27.55 x 20 Jennifer Egista Milani
 Garden Glory 13.5 x 9.5 Robin Manelis
 Fantastic Voyage 16.7 x 14.1 Julie Podstolski
 Airton Senna Do Brasil 10 x 8 Roberta de Carvalho Correa
 Tiger with Reflection 20 x 14 Patricia Childers
 HONORABLE MENTION Abstract Thought 23 x 20 Barbara Dahlstedt
 Spring Tonic 14 x 10.5 Maryann DellaRocco
 Cascade 9 x 6 Elizabeth Dobes
 Edgar Plots His Next Move 12 x 9 Wendy Connors-Beckett
 A Glass of Wine 16 x 11.5 Carol E. Maltby
 Halls Gap Sentry 23.4 x 16.5 Michelle Ripari
 Valintino 10 x 8 Donna Lee
 Hickory Nut Falls 16 x 11 Sharon Hester

Let's Dance Remembering 13.50 x 10.25 Donna Schwarz
 Sumatran Tigress and Cubs 13 x 12 Margaret Nelson
 Glow 14 x 11 Carrie Alderfer
 Kissed by the Sun 12 x 8.5 Dawn Mastrodonato
 Wistearia Rabbit 14 x 11 Jennifer Linderman
 Whisper 12 x 9 Janki Chokshi
 Myself 10 x 7 Gillian Steenblik
 Stilted Ladies 15 x 12 Kathleen Smith
 Monty 10 x 8 Cynthia Embree-Lavoie
 Weathered Weather 16 x 9 Valorie Sams
 Glorious Iris 14 x 11 Lene Daugaard
 Girl with a Jack Wills Bag 3 16 x 11 Julie Maguire
 Max 14 x 11 Silke Kirch
 Little Wing 20 x 19 Lis Zadravec
 Beachwalk Memories 10 x 8 Priscilla Dunn
 Ann 14 x 11 John Irvine

Old Man in a Green Jacket 21.5 x 20 Bonnie Sheckter
 Hidden Beauty 10 x 7.5 Alma Cartaya
 Birthday Boy 15 x 11 Irma Murray
 Journey to Shangri-La 10 x 10 Rhonda Dicksion
 Madame Celeste 12 x 9 Charlotte Hastings
 Josie 14 x 11 David Hoque
 Humming Along 14 x 11 Robin Neiswender
 Got A Quarter? 17 x 7.5 Rita Morgan
 Me and My Chucks 20 x 16 Michelle Smith
 Pink Ladies & Wine Cooler 11.5 x 8.3 David Rae
 Major Duke 14 x 11 Linda LeBaron
 Shotsie 9 x 12 Judith Hamilton
 Magnolia 11 x 8 Jeannie Resnick
 Weathered Memories 14 x 10.5 Andrea Placer
 In the Shade 16.25 x 11 Ute Koskie
 Just Breezin' 16 x 11 Pamella Bernard
 Teddy 16.5 x 11.5 Alison Fear
 Lane Anne Marie 10 x 8 Johanna Rebman
 Green Man 14 x 12 Davina Halliday
 Keeper of the Secret 24 x 18 Pam Gassman
 Father and Son 16 x 12 Philippe Thomas
 Always Time For Jelly Beans 12 x 9.6 Ceil VanWinkle
 Preening Flamingo 9.5 x 7.5 Rhonda Norton
 All Grown Up 10 x 8 Betty Theis
 Stargazers and Blue Glass 17 x 14 Mary Velasquez
 Age 10 x 8 Anita Reid
 Lamp Lit for Prayer 16 x 11 Revathy Selvendran
 Max: My Wonderful Quarterhorse 10 x 8 Pat Lunday
 Big Sky Country 14 x 10 Shannon Johnson
 PEOPLE'S CHOICE Tink 8 x 10 Paula Powers
 HONORABLE MENTION Eye Candy III 17 x 22 Gretchen Evans Parker, CPSA, CPX
 HONORABLE MENTION Give Us Today Our Daily Bread 10 x 14 Carolyn Chua

Macelleria 24 x 18 Andrew Purdy
 Long Stay At The Teepee Motel 18 x 24 Dan Stancliff
 Fishing On The Spanish River 6.5 x 9 Kathy Dolan
 Mardi Dog 10.25 x 12.50 Terri Neal
 Barn Hinge 10 x 8 Chuck Gluch
 The Lion Sleeps 7.25 x 10 Angie Evans
 Amaryllis Amore 8 x 10 Diane Radtke
 HONORABLE MENTION The Flower Girl 12 x 12 Rebecca V. O'Neil
 Working Chestnut 12 x 16 Carrianne Howe
 Touched by a Rainbow 8 x 10 Karen Hull
 Jullyen El Jamaal at Liberty 16 x 21 Helen Bailey
 Early Morning in a Mill Town 11 x 14 Janice Norton
 Red Dahlia 7.5 x 11 Angela Bartlett
 Howdy Neighbor 10.5 x 8.25 Linda Phillabaum
 Floral Vampyre 8.2 x 11.8 Robyn Garnet
 Morning Poetry 8.25 x 13.5 Linda H. Clark
 Chloe in the Sun 8 x 10 Victoria Berhiet
 Rhododendron Cinnamomeum 12 x 17 Jenny Haslimeier
 She's In The Navy Now 11 x 14 Sue Ziegler
 No, I'm First 10.75 x 8.25 Barbara LaBelle
 Bergen Peak First Snow 6 x 10 Dan Miller
 The Hairdresser 12 x 12 Kitty Dodd
 Dream 12 x 12 Dee Wagoner
 My Lily 8 x 8.5 Sheila Tysdal
 Waiting Their Turn 11 x 14 Rick Causey
 Primary Colors 11 x 14 Bob LaBelle
 Got Mouse? 8 x 10.25 Linda Killingsworth
 Blue Bunting 9 x 12 Dee Pierson
 Rosa 8 x 10 Adare Diers
 Memory Lane 20 x 28 Dona Rhodes
 Spring Sale 3 x 6 Pris Hardy
 Bird's Eye View 9.75 x 16 Caryn Coville
 HONORABLE MENTION God's Glory 7 x 17 Linda Palmer
 Merlin 8 x 11 Shirley Davies
 In Memory of Star 10 x 9 Susan Fox
 Star Trek 10.5 x 16.5 Manon LeClerc