COLOR 2020 Entire year of issues - COLOR Magazine Collection Book
COLOR 2020 Entire year of issues - COLOR Magazine Collection Book

COLOR 2020 Entire year of issues - COLOR Magazine Collection Book


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Over 400 pages of Colored Pencil WOW!

Inside this hefty volume, you'll find useful articles for colored pencil artists, trustworthy art product reviews, inspiring art and invaluable info for all levels, from newbie to pro! Every year, colored pencil artists wait for this publication... there's just nothing else like it anywhere.

It's a beautiful and complete collection of colored pencil instruction and inspiration. This meaty book consists of the 12 complete issues of Ann Kullberg's COLOR magazine from 2020 as well as a thorough index to help you find the article, the advice, the lesson, the artist you're looking for. Inside you'll find a collection...

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This is a digital download. Prefer Print?
Print editions now exclusively available on Amazon. Click here

Over 400 pages of Colored Pencil WOW!

Inside this hefty volume, you'll find useful articles for colored pencil artists, trustworthy art product reviews, inspiring art and invaluable info for all levels, from newbie to pro! Every year, colored pencil artists wait for this publication... there's just nothing else like it anywhere.

It's a beautiful and complete collection of colored pencil instruction and inspiration. This meaty book consists of the 12 complete issues of Ann Kullberg's COLOR magazine from 2020 as well as a thorough index to help you find the article, the advice, the lesson, the artist you're looking for. Inside you'll find a collection of valuable critiques, reviews, and step by step lessons from award winning CP artists - not to mention page after page of amazing colored pencil art to inspire your next project.

Curl up on your sofa or take it on vacation and seep yourself in the wonderful world of colored pencil instruction, tips and how-to's. You will learn something new on every page to help you with your own colored pencil journey.

Fully Indexed: Forget about skimming through individual issues to find that tip or tutorial you're looking for - all 12 issues of COLOR are thoughtfully indexed and organized to create a year's worth of resources in one beautiful book. A must have for any serious student or enthusiast of colored pencil.

Reviews from last year's collection:

"Love it!! I am in the process of reading it cover to cover! I have learned so much reading these articles! Love the reviews of products and the articles about the techniques of cp artists! Can't wait to try them out!"
— Sue D.

"I really enjoy the yearly version of the Color magazine……the whole year is in one binding. It is much easier to find something with the index of the whole years worth. It is convenient and a very tidy way to have the entire year at your fingertips. Ann, keep up the good work!!"
— Chuck F.

"Excellent review of artistic skill and valuable "how to" instructions. Well worth the price. Excellent instructional guides."
— Brenda D.

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