The Pencil Box - Featured Artists - March 2023

The Pencil Box - Featured Artists - March 2023

Corresponding with the art gallery that is featured each month in Ann Kullberg's COLOR MagazineThe Pencil Box blog series will give artists a bit more space to share insight and inspiration about their colored pencil art. Make sure to check out FB group links at the bottom of this post. Call for entry is posted every month in participating Facebook groups - join in the fun and your artwork could be featured, too!

Indigo in a Cupboard by Amii Harwood
9 x 9 inches, colord pencil on Pastelmat

This drawing is based on a photo that I took of one of my cats, a British Shorthair, around eight years ago. Indigo had made her way to the back of a kitchen cupboard and, while dangling some string for her to play with, I managed to capture this image. I'd saved the photo on my computer, never to print. While the photo was of poor quality (grainy and poorly lit), the pose - a mix of timidity and curiosity – really captured her character. Now, as I am developing as a coloured pencil artist, I find myself looking at old photos from a new perspective and seeing their potential as my next reference.

About Amii Harwood:

Amii has been drawing with coloured pencils since August 2022 after a 45-min Cat's Eye Challenge on social media inspired her to try something different. She now fits her art around her life as an academic and mother. She lives in Norwich, UK, with her husband and two children (and two cats).

Serval by Lisa Gadbury
8x10 inches, colored pencil on Pastelmat

Nature has always held a fascination for me. Cats in particular have a special place in my heart. Wild or domestic, they have a unique beauty and sense of mystery. Their eyes alone are magical and mysterious. The depth and complexity of color, shape and mod make them a challenge to convey. You never completely know what cats are thinking or feeling. The intensity of this serval's eyes caught my attention. What was going through his mind at the moment this photo was taken? I wanted to try to capture that mystery and beauty in this drawing.

About Lisa Gadbury:

Lisa Gadbury is a self-taught artist from California. She started experimenting with watercolors and pastels before finally falling in love with colored pencils.

Roses by Oksana Zavidij
10x14 inches, colored pencil on Strathmore Watercolor paper

My inspiration behind this drawing was the realization of how a closer look at this simple bunch of roses can show the blatant differences each individual flower holds: a collection of shapes, colors, and shadows. Some flowers are ‘louder’ than others just because of placement and light. Seeing how each petal appears on the paper was my favorite part. I was enjoying working with bright colors. Now, whenever I have a chance to take a long glance at this fictional bouquet, I remind myself of how random, magic, and beautiful nature can be.

About Oksana Zavidij:

Oksana is a self-taught hobby artist, who had been drawing with color pencils for over six years now. Her inspiration stems from nature and wildlife, she tries to capture the randomized beauty that nature holds. Oksana is very proud to have her artwork being part of CP Treasure last year.

Preening Kingfisher by Rachel O'Connor
9 x 9 inches, colored pencil on Drafting Film

The vibrant colors and unusual pose of the reference photo compelled me to request permission to recreate the image from wildlife photographer DeAnne Hope. In some cultures kingfishers signify luck and new beginnings so this seemed appropriate for the imminent start of a new year, as well as my own ever-changing career trajectory. This species of kingfisher is native to Ireland but is not a common sighting. If you are lucky enough to come across a kingfisher, it is hard to believe that this exotic-looking bird is native to Ireland’s mainly cool, maritime climate.

About Rachel O'Connor:

Irish artist Rachel discovered colored pencils five years ago, creating portraits on a commission basis. She specializes in animal art, showcasing her work online. Although primarily a musician, Rachel dedicates much of her time to refining her technique to reach her full artistic potential.

These artworks are published in the MARCH 2023 issue of COLOR Magazine.


Comments (1)

Amazing and beautiful what seems like simple color pencils but really aren’t. They are a beautiful expressive tool in these pieces. Im in awe

Issadora Saeteng - Feb 19, 2023

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