April 2018 Showcase - Colored Pencil Artwork

April 2018 Showcase - Colored Pencil Artwork

The three artists featured in the April 2018 issue of COLOR Magazine Showcase submitted stories about their artwork for our blog. Read below about their inspiration for each of these interesting animal subjects.

Vision Of Wisdom by Rhishabh Kumar
9.4 x 12.6 inches
Prismacolor and Faber-Castell Polychromos on Canson Mi-Teintes earth toned paper
Copyright free, Creative Commons, or Public Domain (https://pixabay.com/)

This artwork is one of my favorite colored pencil pieces. Whenever I look into those sharp and focused eyes I feel a sense of wisdom. It’s like they were telling me something. There are some strong emotions attached, like having a mentor along with you every time. Owls are generally considered an animal of wisdom, though they spend most of their days sleeping but during night they are out and hunt like top predators. I mostly draw/paint wildlife animals and the motivation behind that is to imbibe their spirits within me. Like lions have a fearless spirit, owls have a spirit of wisdom.

About Rhishabh:

Rhishabh is a 20 year old man from a city named Noida, located in India . For him, art is a way to fight his inner darkness and bring out the best in him.

See more from Rhishabh here: http://www.facebook.com/Rkumarart/


Eleven Pounds and Eighty Five Pence by Charlie Askew
19.5 x 27.5 inches
Polychromos pencils on Hot pressed watercolour paper 320gsm
Own photo reference

This particular piece was about not giving up on this image. The complexity of bank notes had beaten me twice as a teenager; this time I was determined to win! I added the coins for an extra challenge and purposely did not use any of the metallic pencils included in the Polychromos range. I also prefer to use only the pencils themselves, so no blenders, OMS or pan pastels, etc.

I have been working with Polychromos pencils for just over two years now, swapping for previous years experience with Derwent studio pencils - the first box I got as a gift from my grandfather whilst at art college.

About Charlie:

Charlie Askew is back to his art just over four years ago now, after a 20 year break, part time employed, spends as much time as possible working on establishing my art, but also would really like to achieve getting colored pencils into all galleries as an accepted art medium.

See more from Charlie on his Facebook Art Page.


Lottie by Lisa Ann Watkins
12 x 16 inches
Faber-Castell Polychromo, Caran d'Ache Pablo colored pencils and PanPastel on Clairefontaine Pastelmat
Own reference photo

This little girl was a very special commission piece for a long time friend of the family. They arranged to holiday close to where I live so that I could go and meet Lottie, see her character and how she interacted with her dad (it was to be a gift for him) and also to take her photos.

She was a very nervous little girl, shaking at the slightest thing but her fragility held a beauty within. She was distracted for a brief second by something in the grass and I managed to capture that moment where she relaxed.

This is also one of those pieces where my client had total trust in me so I was given free rein to create Lottie as I had envisaged her to be. One of the rare pieces where I was actually content with the final result!

About Lisa:

Lisa has been working with colored pencils for just over 5 years after a 20 year break from art. A whirlwind few years of creating animal portraits and winning awards, she now teaches others how to embrace their own creativity by teaching online and at workshops both home and abroad.

See more from Lisa at http://www.animalartbylaw.co.uk.


These artworks were published in the April 2018 issue of COLOR Magazine.

Download the 40 page digital version of the magazine for just $3.89, or subscribe and save 15%. Each issue is packed with step by step projects, critiques, colored pencil tips, artist profiles and much more.

Tags: showcase

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