The Pencil Box - Featured Artists - September 2021

The Pencil Box - Featured Artists - September 2021

Corresponding with the art gallery that is featured each month in Ann Kullberg's COLOR MagazineThe Pencil Box blog series will give artists a bit more space to share insight and inspiration about their colored pencil art. Make sure to check out FB group links at the bottom of this post. Call for entry is posted every month in participating Facebook groups - join in the fun and your artwork could be featured, too!

The Joust by Ute Koskie
15 x 23.5 inches colored pencil on Mi-Teintes Tex

I have recently begun to go to Kryall Castle in Ballarat, Victoria in Australia. I have found that it has a magical feel to it, and these current times, that is just what I needed. On this particular day 'The Joust', was a joust between father, Phillip Leitch, who is an Australian Champion and World Champion Jouster, and daughter, Meika Leitch, with this being only her second joust. Meika is also the youngest jouster in Australia and possibly the world. Just proves that dreams can come true. I have seen them joust a couple of times now and witnessed how, that even though they are father and daughter, they don't hold back, after all it is a competition. I have come to fully enjoy this theme and am totally hooked. It's not only the thrill but also the atmosphere. Medieval times was a hard time but also a wonderful time. Movies have turned this era into a magical, mystical and romantic era. This is also what I feel when I go to Kryall Castle, and because of this it has given me a new drive since Covid came into all our lives. Think I will be continuing on with this theme for a while yet.

About Ute Koskie:

Ute Koskie is a multi-talented artist and lives in a small country hamlet in Victoria, Australia. She not only works with coloured pencils but also with other mediums. Her primary muse is the horse, but can also be very eclectic with her choice in subjects.

See more at:

Joseph’s Dreamcatcher by Patty Denny
9”x12” colored pencil on Canson Mi-Teintes 

I've always loved horses and have been drawing them since I was a kid. I noticed that I haven't drawn many in some time. I follow Joseph's Dream Appaloosas on Instagram and their photos are so beautiful. I asked for permission to use this photo, and they graciously allowed me to use any of their photos. Who doesn't love baby animals? The innocence and joy they bring to mind. I especially love this photo because it was close up and the whiskers, of all things, spoke to me. I also saw some unexpected colors, namely green and pink, in the photo and wanted to include those. This was a fun drawing to do.

About Patty Denny:

Patty has always been an artist working in various mediums, most recently in glass. When she lost her glass studio space when she moved she needed to find another outlet. She tried colored pencils a while back and was not impressed but tried again and found her way.

See more at:

Peace by Patricia (Paddy) Gaffney
9x12 inches colored pencil on Ampersand Pastelbord

This was an emotional piece that I did to represent a future of hope and peace. A family of Muslims were deliberately run down by a driver while walking down the street in London Ontario Canada. A grandmother, mother, father and their two children. Killing all but the young son. I was inspired to start a series of children from all backgrounds and nationalities, every life is precious. I had to put this piece away a couple of times, to regroup my emotions and come back to it. I wanted to capture the beauty that are in all people, a look towards the future of hope and peace in a young girls eyes.

About Patricia (Paddy) Gaffney:

Paddy Gaffney is from Kemptvilke, Ontario, Canada
She started drawing at a young age and has obtained a fine arts diploma. Her career as a pet stylist for the last 20 years has been like a creative outlet. Paddy is also a musician, plays guitar, ukulele and bohdran.

See more at:

Delicate Balance by Nikky Frisoli
42cm x 42cm colored pencil on Fabriano Tiziano

As South African, I am extremely blessed and fortunate to be living close to and with nature. I am therefore, intimately aware of the precarious existence of our wild life and natural world. This piece, 'Delicate Balance', has been left 'unfinished' or partly still in sketch state, in an attempt to depict the 'disappearing' of the natural world that plays such a vital role in the health of our planet. Whilst there are many wild animals more vulnerable right now, I have intentionally used the Hippopotamus as a subject as, despite it's fierceness and size, it too is extremely vulnerable to habitation loss and poaching.

About Nikky Frisoli:

Nikky is an artist living on the coast line of Eastern South Africa. She has a passion for the colour pencil, mostly for the control it affords her to achieve the detail she loves, but also because the extremely slow process allows her to completely immerse herself in her subject.

See more at:

These artworks are published in the SEPTEMBER 2021 issue of COLOR Magazine.


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