February 2025 Showcase - Colored Pencil Artwork

February 2025 Showcase - Colored Pencil Artwork

The three artists featured in the  February 2025 issue of COLOR Magazine Showcase share the stories behind their beautiful artwork here in our blog.

Old Barn by Landon Naffin
18 x 24 inches
Polychromos, Luminance, Pablo, Derwent Lightfast, Lyra Rembrandt Polycolor colored pencils on Pastelmat. (Photo by John Kirby, Landscape Reference Photo for Artists, used with permission.)

The dance of color and light is fascinating to me. Attempting to understand how it changes, and how it reveals structure, form, and depth are the mysteries that I pursue in my work. When I came across this photo by John Kirby, all those challenges hit me like a baseball bat. I also wanted to work on techniques that would reveal the strong essence of the image without resorting to the extreme detail pencils afford.

Attempting to be more impressionistic with technique, I rendered the background as strong splotches of color, adding layers to build the deepest shadows. The barn boards shift color from weather and light and primarily succeed through the use of consistently directional strokes throughout the layering of colors rather than attempting to draw wood grain. The intensity of the contrast between sunlight and shadows on the roof tempted me to leave the brightest area pure white, but the sun reflecting off the bunch of leaves in the foreground is more intense. I used subtle layers of warm and cool whites to push the roof back slightly. While the foreground required enough detail to see leaves and grass, shifts in color from cool blue greens to light yellow-greens and the movement in pencil strokes create an impression of weeds and grass strong enough to avoid using the magnifier.

About Landon Naffin:

Landon exhibited a strong interest in art since childhood. After a 40-year hiatus in peripheral jobs, retirement freed his time and increased his inclination to pursue creative interests with more intensity. Fulfillment at the drawing board and the inspiration and support of other artists motivate him to continue growing as an artist.

See more at facebook.com/landon.naffin

Daydreaming by Silvia Frei
11 x 14 inches
Luminance, Polychromos, Prismacolor, Derwent Drawing colored pencils on Strathmore 500 Bristol vellum. (Photo by Marcel Ahrens, used with permission.)

I got something on my mind and wanted to draw a leopard on a tree trunk in a natural habitat. Often, I draw animals without any background. To challenge myself I decided to make a drawing with a complete back and foreground, so I searched for a reference that fits my ideas and that has good contrasts and a nice composition. And the reference photo of this leopard caught me from the first moment. The light, the contrasts, the expression of the animal, the wonderful blurry background and the relaxed pose of the leopard is just beautiful. He looks so peaceful and relaxed. I wanted to reflect that in my drawing.

But I never want to make an exact copy of my reference photo, so I change colors a bit, crop it or change other things, because I would like to implement the image in the way that best corresponds to my ideas. The most challenging parts were the blurry background and the structure of the branch the leopard lies on. Normally I only blend with my colored pencils but for this background I used a bit of solvent to get that smooth effect that I wanted. The structure of the branch with its dry bark was difficult to reproduce. I don’t even remember how many layers of color it took until it looked somewhat realistic. But it worked and I was happy with my result. I’m glad that I overcame these challenges.

About Silvia Frei:

Silvia Frei is a professional fine art artist based in Germany. At age 26 she decided to do a distance study in painting according to her job. Since 2016 she has worked in her studio creating pet portraits and wildlife art. The closeness to nature and animals from a very young age laid a solid foundation in her soul and her creativity.

See more at SilviaFreiPortraits.com

Silk and Straw by Victoria Peterson
18 x 18 inches
Polychromos and Prismacolor colored pencils on white museum board. (Artist’s own photo.)

This painting was an experiment in textures. I liked the idea of the smooth softness of the silk scarf next to the rough surfaces of the rattan chair and straw hat. I photographed the set-up to achieve the light I wanted but then worked mostly from life with the chair, hat and scarf in front of me. Once I had the design on paper, I spent many hours practicing different approaches to achieving the shiny smoothness of the silk. That was the biggest challenge. I used white museum board to work on because its strength allows me to create large paintings. I work five to ten hours every day in my studio. The whole piece took more than three months to complete. It is 100% dry colored pencil.

Victoria Peterson:

Victoria Peterson specializes in colored pencil. She brings her love of nature and interiors to her work. Formerly a dentist in New England, she now dedicates herself to art. She often participates in local and international shows and has shown in local galleries, magazines and art fairs.

See more at FineArtVictoriaPeterson.com

These artworks were published in the February 2025 issue of COLOR Magazine.

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Comments (1)

All brilliant, Daydreaming is my favourite

Michaela Currie - Jan 27, 2025

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