Having trouble seeing the details of the drawing? Then you're not taking full advantage of our downloadable kits...because the PDF kit images can be enlarged a great deal so you can see every single detail, while losing very little resolution.
Make sure you are viewing the In-Depth Kit in Adobe Acrobat and not in your browser! If it doesn't say Adobe Reader at the very top of the page when you're viewing one of our digital kits, then you're reading it in your browser. Look for this icon (right) to know that you are reading it in Adobe Reader.
Every Single Detail...
Are you the proud owner of one of our digital download kits, like the new Silver Reflections Kit?
Having trouble seeing the details of the drawing? Then you're not taking full advantage of our downloadable kits...because the PDF kit images can be enlarged a great deal so you can see every single detail, while losing very little resolution.
Make sure you are viewing the In-Depth Kit in Adobe Acrobat and not in your browser!If it doesn't say Adobe Reader at the very top of the page when you're viewing one of our digital kits, then you're reading it in your browser. Look for this icon (right) to know that you are reading it in Adobe Reader. If you don't have Adobe Reader, you can download it for free here.
Detail Like This!
It's true...the digital editions of our kits can be enlarged to this degree (250%) or more on your computer or iPad. And as you can see from this detail of our new Silver Reflections In-Depth Kit, there's very little pixelation or blurriness, even when enlarged this much. That's one of the most amazing things about PDF's. You can Zoom In with a click or tap. Click on the image above to see how to Zoom In..
The printed editions of our kits are great, too...but it's hard to beat the flexibility of a PDF. Take a look at all our downloadable In-Depth Kits here >