We are all connected...Flooding in the Philippines

Manila is under water.  Flooding from monsoons have left nearly 300, 000 homeless, with a death toll of 500 and climbing. It's pretty bad...

But what does that have to do with you?

For the past two years, CP Magazine has been expertly and beautifully designed each month by Garry Dimapilis...who happens to live in Manila.

We are all connected...Flooding in the Philippines

Manila is under water.  Flooding from monsoons have left nearly 300, 000 homeless, with a death toll of 500 and climbing. It's pretty bad...

But what does that have to do with you?

For the past two years, CP Magazine has been expertly and beautifully designed each month by Garry Dimapilis...who happens to live in Manila.

I sent Garry the raw materials for the September issue of CP Magazine a few days ago.  Normally, Garry replies with a "Got it." almost immediately.  In fact, I think maybe Garry never sleeps, because no matter what time of day I email him, he replies within minutes! 

But this time, I didn't hear from Garry until last night.  He wrote simply that there was a storm and that he would get back to me as soon as possible.

A quick Google search later and I saw the full impact of his understatement. Yes, I suppose it was a storm...but the full story is that there's serious mass flooding throughout the city and country.  I imagine Garry and his loved ones have had to evacuate their homes.

I've found over the years that colored pencil artists are just the nicest, nicest people.  Truly.  I've tried to figure out why....What is it about colored pencil that attracts really sweet human beings?  Is it that they have to have patience?  Is it that people who like detail have noticed throughout their lives the "detail" that being kind makes for an easier path through life?  Is it because it's a new medium, an "underdog" in the art world, and aware of that...we all share with each other generously?

Whatever the reason...I have faith in our loyal CP Magazine readers that we will keep Garry in our thoughts, and will wait patiently for the September issue.  If you would like to wish Garry safety and encouragement (or tell him how much you enjoy his beautiful design work!), please leave a comment.  I'll make sure he sees them.

So...we apologize...the September issue might be a few days late...but it will be worth the wait, I promise!

Comments (62)

Gary – Thoughts and prayers go out to you, your family, friends, and all the people and animals of Manila that have been hit by this awful tragedy. May you all persevere in rebuilding your lives as quickly as possible.

Barb Nelson - Aug 21, 2013

Garry, keeping you and your family in our thoughts and prayers.

Rosalie Roscoe - Aug 21, 2013

Garry my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Take care

Luis Barrios - Aug 21, 2013

UPDATE! I just heard from Garry. He wrote the following:

Hi Ann,

Thank you and please thank everyone of your subscribers for their prayers and support. We really appreciate them. It’s always nice to know that people still care about others.


Ann Kullberg - Aug 21, 2013

Garry, We are praying for the safety and recovery of your family and countrymen. We are sorry to learn of the storm that has left so much damage and havoc.

kjgordon - Aug 21, 2013

What a wonderful out-pouring of sympathy, concern and love from so many people. It does give one hope that all is not lost quite yet in this country. Garry – and Ann – thank you so very much for the beautiful magazine you produce each month. I have no doubt it will be worth the wait! Garry, you are indeed in my prayers along with your family, friends and loved ones…take care, and be safe, knowing that God’s grace is still amazing! :)

Tess Lee Miller - Aug 21, 2013

Praying for your family and country during this extremely difficult time! Pray for your safety, your health and recovery! God Bless you and yours in the coming months!

Sherry - Aug 21, 2013

Love and prayers to you and your family Gary – may you and your entire community be back to some kind of normality as soon as possible.

Karen Hull - Aug 21, 2013

Hoping things are improving, Garry. I really appreciate your work and know many others do as well.

Beth - Aug 21, 2013

Garry, my prayer is that God will provide you with all that you need to return your life and the lives of your countrymen to normal. Thank you for the beauty that you bring into our lives through your work.

Shirley - Aug 21, 2013

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