CP Treasures book, colored pencil art collection, ann kullberg, colored pencil art book, colored pencil compilation book, colored pencil artists, linda lucas hardy, gemma gylling, karen hull, colored pencil on sand paper, colored pencil on suede board

I never tire of looking through these pages, or showing it to others not familiar with colored pencil...just to watch their jaws drop!  With my iPad I have shown the book to countless folks seated next to me on a flight...just for the sheer pleasure of watching their eyes widen and their sounds of disbelief.  Oh, I do love seeing folks instantly change their minds about the "lowly" colored pencil!

What makes it a Treasure, anyway?

CP Treasures - A Collection of Master Colored Pencil art from around the Globe 

CP Treasures Book - Volume 1If this gem were just a coffee table book, it would be amazing, inspirational and well worth owning...but it's a whole lot more than table candy!  

I mean, don't get me wrong...pretty picture books are great, too...it's just not the sum total of what CP Treasures is! Each and every one of the carefully selected artists shares with you technique, tips, advice and more.  Art, invaluable insights and techniques shared by over 70 artists all in one beautiful package. 

One Book - Hundred of Tips

How does Linda Lucas Hardy work on sanded paper? Page 35

How about using CP on wood? Karen Hull shares her secrets. Page 16

What's Gemma Gylling's technique for drawing touchable fur on suede board? Page 34

Jaws Drop

I never tire of looking through these pages, or showing it to others not familiar with colored pencil...just to watch their jaws drop!  With my iPad (and the PDF version of CP Treasures) I have shown the book to countless folks seated next to me on a flight...just for the sheer pleasure of watching their eyes widen and their sounds of disbelief.  Oh, I do love seeing folks instantly change their minds about the "lowly" colored pencil!

Colored Pencil's great big world

I was inspired to put this book together when I was leafing through some old "Best of Colored Pencil" books and realized the colored  pencil world had moved forward a long way since those books were published.  It seemed a shame that no one had chronicled the passage from there to here... and so I decided to capture the "2012 Colored Pencil World" before it was gone!  As I started to gather materials, I realized something else had happened since the early days of CP Fine Art - it had gone global!  No longer limited to only the US and Canada...we were able to feature fabulous artists from all over Europe, Asia and East Asia.  It's exciting to think the heights the medium might reach during the next decade or two!

So anyway...it's a treasure, because it's the first colored pencil compilation book that's truly international, that includes lots of instruction,  and that can be carried around on your mobile device.  

I'd say having 70 international artists in your handbag makes it a definite TREASURE!


Comments (1)

my husband and I were visiting our son When I got home, and family in Tucson a few yrs ago, saw ad for an art show
of Coloured Pencil art and I dragged him to see it, I’d been painting, mostly acrylics for number
of years. but was interested in different art mediums. The show was in a small gallery/garden
and I just loved it and couldn’t believe all this glorious art was done in CP. They were fantastic
exciting, some large, some small, one of favourite was a large, lizard or iguana on some kind of stone, just jumped out at you. when I got home, I bought some CP and tried, such fun, still do some , not big ones, flowers, animal, pets, , Still enjoy using them and mostly as gifts

Dianne Pearce - May 22, 2013

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