Ann's Colored Pencil News & Stuff!

Do you ever eat all the frosting first?  Probably not...because then all you're left with is cake, and cake is pretty dry without that sweet frosting...

Which is why I save the face till last in a portrait!  Let me explain...

My method for portraits is to finish the background, foreground, clothing, hands, feet and hair first, before working on the face, and here are all the reasons why:

Frosting First?

Do you ever eat all the frosting first?  Probably not...because then all you're left with is cake, and cake is pretty dry without that sweet frosting... Which is why I save the face till last in a portrait!  Let me explain... My method for portraits is to finish the background, foreground, clothing, hands, feet and hair first, before working on... View more
If I were to paint this image today, it would probably end up closer to looking like this versioh. A higher range of values, more color saturation, smoother textures. Yes, it would take me much longer to finish than the original drawing.  Yes, it would take more courage to keep pushing the values darker and darker, but the end result would be worth the extra time and effort.
I am guessing that if I knew two things then that i know now, I wouldn't have quit when the piece was half completed.  X

Abandoned, not finished...

I heard a wonderful quote at a workshop in SC last year:  "A painting is never finished, it's abandoned."  Loved that!  I could instantly relate, particularly as a colored pencil artist working in such a painfully slow medium with one of the most painfully slow techniques. At some point in every portrait, I believe I do just decide to abandon... View more

Guess maybe I should start with the question before rushing to the answer...

Back when I made my living drawing children's portraits, I had a rule that I wouldn't accept any commissions for children under the age of 4.  When asked why, the reason I gave potential clients was that a baby or toddler rarely looks like "himself" until he's at least 4.  Since I hoped my portraits would be real heirlooms for their family, I encouraged them to wait until she was 4, at which point she would pretty much look like "herself".

Because they're too hard to photograph!!

Guess maybe I should start with the question before rushing to the answer... Back when I made my living drawing children's portraits, I had a rule that I wouldn't accept any commissions for children under the age of 4.  When asked why, the reason I gave potential clients was that a baby or toddler rarely looks like "himself" until he's... View more

And the Winner Is....

The results are in, and the hands-down winner for our Pussycat Poll is.... Drum roll, please... Peeking Kitten! Look for a fabulous new In-Depth Kit by Irina Cawton of this adorable image soon!! View more
What does it cost to pursue a passion and learn something new?

Personal Trainer: $50 - $70 per hour     Dance Lessons: $60 - $120 per hour

Singing Lessons: $60 - $90 per hour     Golf Lessons:  $80 - $120 per hour

Jigsaw Puzzles...

Not too often, but now and then I hear a comment that our kits are too expensive... 

I took a quick little look online today for artsy projects you can do at home.  Jigsaw puzzles, for example. Even on you'll pay

What does it cost to pursue a passion?

What does it cost to pursue a passion and learn something new? Personal Trainer: $50 - $70 per hour     Dance Lessons: $60 - $120 per hour Singing Lessons: $60 - $90 per hour     Golf Lessons:  $80 - $120 per hour Jigsaw Puzzles... Not often, but now and then I hear a comment that our kits cost too much... I took... View more
This time around, I decided to open it up to one and all. 

There is gorgeous colored pencil work out there from emerging artists, complete unknowns, and from those too timid (or intimidated) to enter the big shows.  To those of you who recognize that timid artist in you...let me tell you something I learned a long, long time ago

CP Treasures Volume II - Colored Pencil Masterworks from Around the Globe

The first time around, inclusion in the book was by invitation only.  Around 18 months ago, I created an email to send to around 100 CP artists around the world whose work I admired, or who had earned CPSA Signature Membership, inviting them to submit work for a new colored pencil compilation book.  I needed 80 of them to respond. ... View more
Are you the proud owner of one of our digital download kits, like the new
Silver Reflections Kit?

Having trouble seeing the details of the drawing?  Then you're not taking full advantage of our downloadable kits...because the PDF kit images can be enlarged a great deal so you can see every single detail, while losing very little resolution.

Make sure you are viewing the In-Depth Kit in Adobe Acrobat and not in your browser! If it doesn't say Adobe Reader at the very top of the page when you're viewing one of our digital kits, then you're reading it in your browser.  Look for this icon (right) to know that you are reading it in Adobe Reader.

Every Single Detail...

Are you the proud owner of one of our digital download kits, like the new Silver Reflections Kit? Having trouble seeing the details of the drawing?  Then you're not taking full advantage of our downloadable kits...because the PDF kit images can be enlarged a great deal so you can see every single detail, while losing very little resolution. Make sure... View more
Oh so cool!

I'm passing on an email I received this morning from our local CPSA Chapter President, Pam Belcher, because it's exciting news!

Pam wrote:

While at the CPSA convention in July, I learned about this upcoming very exciting online exhibit opportunity. ARTSPECTATIONS!

NEW - CPSA Online Show, ArtSpectations!

Oh so cool! I'm passing on an email I received this morning from our local CPSA Chapter President, Pam Belcher, because it's exciting news! Pam wrote: While at the CPSA convention in July, I learned about this upcoming very exciting online exhibit opportunity. ARTSPECTATIONS!  It will be so fun for everyone, and especially wonderful for artists who do not have... View more