Lady of the Bees: In-Depth Colored Pencil Tutorial

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Create a fanciful Mistress of Bees in this honey of a tutorial
Let award-winning professional artist and teacher DY Hide show you how to create a vibrant, colorful portrait that blends realism and fantasy, and give you ideas to bring into your own portraits.
What's Inside:
• Step by step guided, thorough instruction on drawing this imaginative portrait.
• Learn how to draw a woman's face, luxurious fabric, gold, flowers, bees and design elements that can enhance your future artwork.
• Learn layering techniques and many different kinds of strokes...

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Print editions now on Amazon. Click here >>
Create a fanciful Mistress of Bees in this honey of a tutorial
Let award-winning professional artist and teacher DY Hide show you how to create a vibrant, colorful portrait that blends realism and fantasy, and give you ideas to bring into your own portraits.
What's Inside:
• Step by step guided, thorough instruction on drawing this imaginative portrait.
• Learn how to draw a woman's face, luxurious fabric, gold, flowers, bees and design elements that can enhance your future artwork.
• Learn layering techniques and many different kinds of strokes to use with the various textures involved in this colored pencil tour de force!
• Trace the included line drawing, grab your colored pencils, and step by step, begin creating your own personal spin on this lovely drawing.
About the Author:
D Y Hide is an award-winning professional artist and an experienced Advanced Skills Teacher of Art & Design. The highlight of 2020 was having a piece called “Spring Kahlo,” accepted for the Colored Pencil Society of America International Show, especially as she’d forgotten that she’d entered!
About In-Depth Tutorials:
Created by master colored pencil artists, each In-Depth tutorial features 30+ steps and focuses on teaching you why and not just how the artist applies their technique. No book or video comes close to the amount of instruction in an In-Depth tutorial. Art instruction books typically contain 4-6 steps per demo. That just scratches the surface! With large images and 30 or more steps, In-Depth tutorials truly show you exactly how the artist works, making it easy to truly learn new colored pencil techniques and achieve success.
Note: Drawing paper and pencils not included. See images for complete supply list. Polychromos pencil name changes can be found here.
Publish Date: September 2020.
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