Dramatic Dahlia on Scratchboard

New Date to be Announced

Colored Pencil with Scratchboard is Mixed Media Magic!

Learn an exciting way of combining colored pencils and scratchboard! The medium of scratchboard is a natural fit for colored pencil artists to learn. There are so many possibilities when combining these two mediums. Award-winning artist Scott Krohn will teach you the basics of scratchboard as well as how to make this black and white medium come alive using colored pencils.


If you want to try something new, or want to rekindle your artistic fire, this workshop is for you. You'll combine new techniques with the colored pencil medium you love.


Colored pencil looks absolutely stunning on scratchboard! Learn the tools and methods for creating scratchboard artwork, then make it sing by adding color.


Once you learn Scott's fun and easy scratchboard techniques they are yours forever in your creative toolbox. What new projects will YOU create with scratchboard and CP?

Register Now >

5-Star Teacher

"Who needs meditation? Do Scratchboard! What a unique experience! I have never done scratchboard and at first thought I'd gotten myself into something I couldn't even think with! Very soon the soothing motion, gentle scratching action and the revealing of forms got to me. Scott as ever is a master teacher, and I ALWAYS enjoy his workshops. Take this one if you can, I promise you will enjoy it!" -Sue D. 

"Great Instructor, Great workshop! This was a very educational, enjoyable experience. Scott's teaching experience is evident. I love finding new, unique ways to use colored pencils and this definitely fills the bill." -Ronna W. 

"Scott is an awesome teacher, more of a mentor. The class was worth every penny." -Katherine W.

Scott's Art

  • Space is limitedREGISTER SOON to guarantee your spot!
  • You'll receive an email immediately after registering and a week before the workshop with login instructions - please SAVE.