Skin Tone Colored Pencil Project Digital Download
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Skin Tone Colored Pencil Project Digital Download
- Creating smooth, glowing skin tones in colored pencil can be a challenge that requires lots of guided practice. This kit, perfect for the beginning portrait artist, will give you the practice you need without the added complication of facial features and hair. Just concentrate on building beautiful skin tones with this project. This kit will help you really learn Ann Kullberg's popular skin tone techniques.
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Publish Date: 2001.
- Project PDF includes:
Step by Step images (7)
Printable Line Drawing to trace/transfer
Palette & Materials List
Printable Reference photo
Clear, layer-by-layer, color-by-color highly detailed instruction
Best Colored Pencil Project Kits anywhere - and check out our Happiness Guarantee
- Creating smooth, glowing skin tones in colored pencil can be a challenge that requires lots of guided practice. This kit, perfect for the beginning portrait artist, will give you the practice you need without the added complication of facial features and hair. Just concentrate on building beautiful skin tones with this project. This kit will help you really learn Ann Kullberg's popular skin tone techniques.
Our Return Policy >
Publish Date: 2001.
Project PDF includes:
Step by Step images (7)
Printable Line Drawing to trace/transfer
Palette & Materials List
Printable Reference photo
Clear, layer-by-layer, color-by-color highly detailed instruction
Best Colored Pencil Project Kits anywhere - and check out our Happiness Guarantee
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