About Amy Horton
Amy studied English and art history at University. After graduating, she trained to be a secondary school art teacher and has been teaching art and photography for 10 years. Her love of the natural world and the outdoors is reflected in her work. She has exhibited pieces throughout the UK and has recently illustrated children’s stories based on her local area.
What they are saying about Amy's last workshop...

"I enjoyed the class. I had never tried doing a cat in colored pencil until now. I thought it would be beyond my skill level. Amy is an excellent instructor who provides clear directions and feedback that was very helpful. Although we did not finish the drawing, I am going to complete it, frame it, and may give it to my sister. She has a cat that looks like Bobbins. I look forward to being able to take another class with Amy."
– Beverly C
"I loved this class. Amy provides clear instruction and demonstrations. This was a fairly complicated project with many challenges, such as directional fur, delicate shading, blurry backgrounds, and a cat’s face, ears, and whiskers. I feel that Amy provided a good level of instruction in these techniques. I liked the length of the class sessions. Using Padlet, she was able to give us useful feedback as we went along. I am looking forward to taking more classes from Amy."
– Susan T.
Amy's Art