COLOR 2021 Entire year of issues - COLOR Magazine Collection Book
COLOR 2021 Entire year of issues - COLOR Magazine Collection Book

COLOR 2021 Entire year of issues - COLOR Magazine Collection Book


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There’s just nothing else like it anywhere for colored pencil artists.

Be in the know and stay in the know with the 2021 Color Collection book. A full year of the original colored pencil magazine all in one glorious book – with the bonus of an extensive index so you can find what you’re looking for in a snap.

Page after page is brimming with useful articles for colored pencil artists, trustworthy art product reviews, inspiring art and invaluable info for all levels, from newbie to pro! 

Every year, colored pencil...

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Paperback edition available on Amazon. Click here

There’s just nothing else like it anywhere for colored pencil artists.

Be in the know and stay in the know with the 2021 Color Collection book. A full year of the original colored pencil magazine all in one glorious book – with the bonus of an extensive index so you can find what you’re looking for in a snap.

Page after page is brimming with useful articles for colored pencil artists, trustworthy art product reviews, inspiring art and invaluable info for all levels, from newbie to pro! 

Every year, colored pencil artists wait for this hefty publication – over 400 pages!

Curl up on your sofa or take it on vacation and seep yourself in the wonderful world of colored pencil instruction, tips and how-to's. You will learn something new on every page to help you with your own colored pencil journey.

Fully Indexed: Forget about skimming through individual issues to find that tip or tutorial you're looking for - all 12 issues of COLOR are thoughtfully indexed and organized to create a year's worth of resources in one beautiful book. A must have for any serious student or enthusiast of colored pencil.

Reviews from last year's collection:

"Learned so much! Gives me a goal to strive for. Thanks so much for your efforts to bring beginners the help and advice we need (and crave)!"
— Edra J.

"This book is so handy. I use this to find the issue I'm looking for then when located just grab the magazine. It helps keep my big books (these ones) clean and beautiful like the art thats in them. Luv, luv, luv them!"
— Deana.

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