Snow White Bunny: In-Depth Colored Pencil Tutorial

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She's snow white... but is she?
You wouldn’t believe how many colors are used to draw this sweet and cuddle-worthy "white" bunny.
Drawing whites can be such a challenge for colored pencil artists, and they often either don’t shade the whites enough, or they shade them too heavily and awkwardly. Help and answered questions are inside this step-by-step lesson.
Do you use grays for shadows?
Answer: Yes, but so much more!
How much does the background...

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She's snow white... but is she?
You wouldn’t believe how many colors are used to draw this sweet and cuddle-worthy "white" bunny.
Drawing whites can be such a challenge for colored pencil artists, and they often either don’t shade the whites enough, or they shade them too heavily and awkwardly. Help and answered questions are inside this step-by-step lesson.
Do you use grays for shadows?
Answer: Yes, but so much more!
How much does the background matter?
Answer: You wouldn’t believe how much it matters!
Is any of that bunny left as just pure white paper, without any colored pencil?
Answer: Nope! Amazing, huh?
Marcy Goodfellow will unfold all the secrets to creating vivid whites in this tutorial, all while also showing you how to create a stunning green background and a very easy-to-achieve vignette effect. Fuzzy white fur, piercing eye, soft, pink ears, whiskers that are just right – it’s all in this beautiful In-Depth.
Save a space on your walls for this one. It’s sure to need a frame!
About the Author:
Marcy Goodfellow is a colored pencil artist and movement professional. She’s a retired circus-style hula hoop performer and works as a therapeutic exercise coach who also leads group fitness classes. She enjoys drawing animals and children.
About In-Depth Tutorials:
Whether you are new to drawing animals in colored pencil or a seasoned artist, you will gain invaluable insight, practice, and experience from this project. Our In-Depth tutorials are all about preparing yourself for future wins, while also creating a beautiful piece of artwork.
Created by master colored pencil artists, each In-Depth tutorial features detailed steps and focuses on teaching you why and not just how the artist applies their technique. No book or video comes close to the amount of instruction in an In-Depth tutorial. Art instruction books typically contain 4-6 steps per demo. That just scratches the surface! With large images and 28 or more steps, In-Depth tutorials truly show you exactly how the artist works, making it easy to truly learn new colored pencil techniques and achieve success.
Note: Drawing paper and pencils not included. See images for complete supply list.
Publish Date: February 2021
Draw... Frame... Bask in your talent!
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