Ann's Colored Pencil News & Stuff!

The Beauty of Landscapes

The Beauty of Landscapes

by Judith Heilbronn-Crown Perhaps the most important thing about drawing landscapes is taking many photographs in places that inspire one, and then being able to choose from one’s favorites. I would like to do more work on location, but usually there is only time to do quick sketches at most. My favorite subjects are waterfalls, partly because they are perfect for... View more
My Artistic Journey in Greece

My Artistic Journey in Greece

by Maria Villioti I live in Athens, Greece. I have been painting since my childhood and in the early 90's during my art studies I met a wonderful art teacher who initiated me into the colored pencils world. My first colored pencils set was a Lyra Rembrandt Polycolor 72. In the years that followed, I had to abandon them and... View more
From Squashed Pooh to the Royal Academy

From Squashed Pooh to the Royal Academy

by Robert Strange I am a collector, a veritable magpie amongst artists. However, it’s not just shiny things that grab my attention; rather it is colorful, everyday objects that feed my growing obsession. Things like plastic bottle tops, dice, soft toys, ties, playing cards, toy vehicles, sweet wrappers, the list increases daily. My studio is a museum to ephemera displaying... View more

How I Came To Draw Again

by Kirsten Walsh I had done a few portraits for family, and they always said “ Oh you should do this, you’re so gifted”, not something I have ever really understood or been very comfortable with. I certainly didn’t think I could make a living from—no way. Saltwater Gypsy1100cmx800cm, Grey lead and charcoal pencil on Fabriano Cold pressedI think as an... View more

NASA Engineer Turned Pet Portrait Artist

by Sema Martin Art has always been my passion. Ever since I can remember I have always been coloring and drawing and you could always find me in the corner with the latest coloring book. But as you get older you are told by society and teachers to pursue a ‘real’ career, and that art is just a hobby. Obviously, I... View more

Allusive Expressionism

by Elena Adam I am absolutely sure that everything in life comes to me at the best time, at the best place and in the best way. Colored pencils definitely did! They found me one day and became my favorite media. Since I am a self-taught artist, I am learning something new every day, trying different techniques, paper, tools, and... View more

How Art, Nature and Colored Pencil Can Heal!

by Galal Ramadan I suffered all my life from Bipolar disorder which is a mental condition marked by alternating periods of elation and depression. Despite the mood extremes, people with bipolar disorder often don't recognize how much their emotional instability disrupts their lives and the lives of their loved ones and don't get the treatment they need. I was misdiagnosed... View more

Accepting Your Own Style

by Charlotte Hastings I have a rather heavy hand, oh and I have a patience control problem. So It seems to be unavoidable for my own style to not show through. It just has a way of showing up. I so admire many artist that have mastered photo-realism, But I have given up on that happening for me, and I'm content... View more