Ann's Colored Pencil News & Stuff!

Coloured Pencil Art is my Mental Health Lifejacket

Coloured Pencil Art is my Mental Health Lifejacket

by Frances WalkerMy artistic journey began as a rather hyperactive toddler, refusing to take afternoon naps! My mother tells me that the only way to get me to settle down was to give me some paper and coloured pencils. She said I would spend hours drawing animals with lovely expressions! The ‘coloured pencil art seed’ was sewn!“German Shepherd Dog" (photo... View more
Explore The World Within

Explore The World Within

by Lisa HammersteinMy story is nothing stellar but rather pretty mundane. I think it’s possibly a story to which many other colored pencil artists could easily relate. I began with no formal artistic education and as a method to combat the issues related to the sedentary nature associated with a chronic disability that affects my vision and mobility. That, coupled... View more
My Journey With Art and Pain

My Journey With Art and Pain

by Jennifer LaneMy name is Jennifer Lane and I am an artist. I still smile every time I say that. I would like to tell you a little bit about my journey with pain and art. As a very active, driven, mother of three, wife, Christian and office manager of a very busy attorney’s office (my dream job), I didn’t... View more
Pencils, Pencils Everywhere

Pencils, Pencils Everywhere

by Cheryl MetzgerHave you ever been upset because you can’t find a certain color in your colored pencils even though you are absolutely sure that you have that pencil? Have you ever searched for a Tombow eraser or a Slice tool even though you just used it yesterday? Have you ever ordered a new electric eraser even though you know... View more
Learning to Love That Which We Fear

Learning to Love That Which We Fear

by Angela MendeWhy do we fear them? Like many, I used to experience the same sense of revulsion when encountering a spider. The way they moved could turn my legs to jelly, and the thought of finding one crawling on me was terrifying! Yet, at the same time, I could never stop staring at them. When I was young, I... View more
Becoming A Professional Artist With Coloured Pencils

Becoming A Professional Artist With Coloured Pencils

by John Stansfield I’d always dreamed of being a professional artist. I never thought I’d be able to though, it was always just that — a dream. Even if I was good enough to be professional, I couldn’t see a way of getting there. I had a full time job which I couldn’t give up in the slim chance that... View more
Good Enough? Shmood Enough!

Good Enough? Shmood Enough!

by Gabriela ThieckeWhen I first got a box of student-grade coloured pencils I was ecstatic every time I used my pencils putting colour to paper and it turned out looking like something recognisable.Then, many tutorials and experiments later, my enthusiasm began to wane. It wasn't that I didn't still love my, by now, swapped out student pencils for several sets... View more